Is the pandemic causing rate increases and long delays?

Because ocean freight is so expensive and unreliable, air cargo volumes have rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. But with shipping space availability 20% lower than prior to the Corona Virus, air rates will continue to rise. And since air cargo is already expensive, many shippers will find air freight to be unattainable for their products and their budgets.
Trucking rates and volumes have each been climbing rapidly as they rebound from the pandemic caused slump. As many retailers continue to try to replenish their inventories and return them to pre-covid levels, rates are being driven up because trucking capacity is being stretched very thin. And with so many unknowns for the industry-quarantine rules for returning truckers, major increases in the price of oil/fuel, the tightness in the trucking market-prices will continue to rise throughout the remainder of 2021.
Not only has the Corona pandemic had a huge negative effect on our personal health and/or the personal health of friends and loved ones, it continues to have the same effect on business-large and small- and on our overall economy. Let’s hope we can find a vaccine for this too. And soon!