The Health Benefits of Eating Seafood are Unbelievable

I have a friend who once would never touch seafood. But now she can’t seem to get enough of the stuff. When I asked her about this extreme change in her diet, she said that her doctor recommended she do a little research on the health benefits of consuming seafood. So she did and here is what she learned.
Seafood is a rich source of protein, Omega 3 fatty acids, copper, zinc, iron, vitamin B and the list goes on and on. Studies have shown that eating seafood just once a week reduces the risk of heart attack by 50% while also bringing many benefits to the brain. Eating seafood on a regular basis lowers the level of bad cholesterol in a person’s blood. Cheese, red meat, and fast foods, which are all high in saturated fat, do the exact opposite.
Seafood also contains some components which help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and depression by helping to increase a person’s Omega 3 fatty acids. These also help improve eyesight and fight against macular degeneration which occurs as a person gets older.
When a person’s body is deficit in Vitamin D, his or her lung functions dramatically decrease. Fish are a wonderful source of Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids. Fresh fish or fish oil also help keep skin healthy and youthful looking.
Omega 3 fatty acids also help prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the level of triglyceride, a type of fat, and reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Anemia can be helped by an increase in iron and zinc. Seafood is a great source of both of these. And the calcium gained by consuming seafood even helps with a person’s bone health.
Omega 3 fatty acids are also great for the health of pregnant women and their unborn children and even help reduce the risk of preterm birth. Some studies even suggest that pregnant women who eat lots of seafood will even add points to the IQ of her unborn child. Some of the very best seafoods to gain these nutrients are oysters, clams, lobsters, squid, shrimp, salmon.
See what I said earlier. The benefits of eating seafood are UNBELIEVABLE! Check it out for yourself.
Well, I gotta go. My friend invited me to her house for dinner. Guess what we will be having.